Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Trevor the Intern Theatre

Here's how it works:

Step one: You write a short play.

Step two: I act it out.

Send your idea to me at trevor@mentosintern.com

Use "Trevor the Intern Theatre" as the subject.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Trevor

How about this for theatre? You're a surfer dude who's trying to connect with a gal who has no interest in surfing at all and hates the beach - and happens to be looking for someone to use her extra ticket for the symphony tonight.

Anonymous said...

Ok. How about with every mentos you eat it magically changes you into some alternate personality (changes name, trait, and voice) yada yada. Until you find one that suits you. The end.

Anonymous said...

You are a fanciful fairy.. dancing among the trees... and now the evil contractor is destroying the woods...

Anonymous said...

Hi Trevor! You should pretend that you are in a meadow chasing butterflies and picking flowers. Then, since you're hungry, you decide to take some honey out of the nearest tree. But then the bees who made the honey start chasing you and attacking you...That would be funny.

Anonymous said...

Hi Trevor,

Improv this.....

A 4 year old girl and her daddy on a visit to the zoo. You do all the parts, the little girl, the daddy and all the animals they see.

Anonymous said...

The lifecycle of a caterpillar to butterfly complete with emergence from cacoon to spreading wings and flying away and hopefully not splatting into the grill of Trevor's sedan.

Anonymous said...

Good words.