Friday, August 17, 2007


Today at 4:45 i will go into great detail about how one is to properly deliver a handshake. Please tune in. While we wait, please tell me some of your pet peeves. One of mine is a poorly delivered handshake.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Strawberry it is...

Over the course of my internship people have consistently inquired as to what my favorite Mentos flavor is, and i have finally decided that it is Strawberry. Whats yours?

Senior Intern

It has been a long time coming,but I finally received the big promotion to senior intern that I've been striving for. YAY ME!!!!!!! Although its just a title change, it sure its only a matter of time before I start making the big bucks.


Today in the chat the topic of shoes was brought up, and there was a heated debate between the sexes. The men defended their position by saying it is unnecessary to have over 10 pairs of shoes. The women strongly disagreed. Where do your sentiments lie?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Intern Solidariy Day

As ordained by me, the ultimate intern, I’m declaring Friday, August 10rd to be Intern Solidarity Day.

In honor of the first Intern Solidarity Day I propose that interns all around the world wear a blue shirt to work that day to show our unity.

To celebrate this momentous day I’ll be giving out autographed packs of Mentos to my fellow interns.

How to get autographed pack of Mentos of your very own:

- The first 100 interns to email me ( a picture of them wearing a blue shirt will receive an autographed pack of Mentos from me.
- Even though only the first 100 people will receive an autographed pack of Mentos, I’ll try to post everybody’s picture on the site.
- Don’t crash my hard drive. Keep the size of the picture under 300 Kb and send them in Jpeg format.
- Oh yeah, if you participate, you agree to the these terms.


Friday, August 3, 2007

Short Story

By popular request here is our story...

The once was a crosseyed child from Nantucket, who was a freak. At least that’s what the villigers said. He had a pet spider named Occifer. It was incredibly large, and had the ability to turn into a pig. Both the boy and his transforming pet enjoyed grunting and dragging their knuckles on the sidewalk as they traveled the town.
One day as they were running after a green ice cream truck which was inhabited by an old bum, and invisible bear appeared and attacked them. Then, as the two lie bleeding and unconscious on the sidewalk, the bear turned and ate the old bum in the ice cream truck and washed him down with all the ice cream in the truck. Then the game ranger came and tranquilized the bear, causing the bear to throw back up all the ice cream and the old bum. Then the old man, furious with the state he had been in, strode up to the bear and with one massive chomp, swallowed the bear whole. Then he burped the ABC’s which caused the crosseyed boy and his transforming pet to awaken from their formerly unconscious state.
Angered by being awakened the pig/spider rushed towards the old man in a fury and ate him whole. Then the little boy and the pig noticed that the game ranger had scene all of this and was unsure of who he needed to arrest. Should he arrest the bear? What about the old bum? Should this transforming creature be arrested as well? Was anyone really at fault here? And before the game ranger could make a decision he looked to notice the crosseyed boy and his pet, both of whom popped a mentos in their mouth and shrugged causing the ranger to laugh and forget the whole incident. Then the boy and his pet drank a soda and exploded.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm coming to you...

That's right kids I'm leaving the office...Give me a task and maybe I'll come to you.

Send your task to me at, to make sure I get it make the subject line "task".

If I pick your task I'll let you know by the end of the week.

Friday, July 6, 2007

The Daily Fresh -- news you can use

Send me your fresh news and I'll read it on the air from 4:30 - 4:45 everyday.

What is fresh news? It's whatever you want it to be.

Want me to wish your mother a happy birthday? Done.

Want me to tell your friends that there is a party at your house tonight? Done.

Want me to announce your wedding? Done.

Want me to tell everyone about your new website? Done.

Want to tell eveyone that you've updated your myspace page? Done.

Want me to give shout outs to all your friends? Done.

See the fresh news can be anything. Send your news to with the subject of "news"

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Trevor the Intern Theatre

Here's how it works:

Step one: You write a short play.

Step two: I act it out.

Send your idea to me at

Use "Trevor the Intern Theatre" as the subject.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Zero and O

Who decided to put the Zero key and the O key so close together on the keyboard?!?!? Just a thought.

Tell me about your internship

Send me your the most irritating, painful or boring tasks you have at your internship.

Office Yoga

Please join me for everyday from 1 - 1:15 pm for a little office yoga.

The class will be relaxing, fun and I hope to help you reach your deepest most inner happy place. I believe I can do this as I am a certified level 6 Yoga master.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Beginning

Hi all! It’s me Trevor the intern getting prepped for my start as intern to the masses. All has gone pretty well thus far. I’ve got a great office and I seem to be surrounded by pretty nice people. I hope I get to talk to more of then soon, but most of the time I am stowed away in my office hard at work making preparations for my new job. I have to admit things have been a little weird thus far…like this job for instance. I signed up thinking I would be running errands and making coffee, but instead I get an office and a webcam of my desk. Which all makes sense considering that Mentos wants to keep me busy if they are paying me, but what has really wierded me out thus far has been this camera crew.

Its terribly awkward, but so far I figure the best thing to do is proceed as normal. Its like dealing with a bully I figure…if you don’t let them have the pleasure of knowing they are bullying you then they will get bored and leave, right? Anyways, I hope so.

I’d love feedback and responses to those of you who may be interested in following my journey as the Mentos intern. Anywho, I suppose I ought to get back to work. Slacking never helped anyone climb the ol’ corporate ladder.